Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Rest of Vietnam

Since my last blog I've had enough of Vietnam!I cant even be bothered to write about it lol! So in summary since my last update we did a boat trip to see Halong Bay and this is all we saw......
This is what we should have seen....

Not only did we not see anything but the captain got lost...he couldnt even remember how many times he had altered the route of the boat so couldnt remember which way was back to shore!! To top it all of there were 6 hours of travelling to see nothing!! RUBBISH!!\

Then the group we went with decided to go for a drink seeing as the day had been such a massive flop....i got my drink spiked!! Vietnam is lovely!

Everywhere I went people were passing comments on my size....ok i know im not a petit girl but really do you feel the need to abuse me. It got a bit much by the end of the trip!!

The people generally wanna rip you off any chance they get!I hate putting a stereotype on people because I know there are good and bad people in all cultures but i dont think i met one nice person in the whole of Vietnam!!Well at least one that wasnt being nice just so you would spend money!

But like Charlie says its all an experience and you have to try and get one silver linning out of one is the flight out to Thailand was pretty smooth!!!!

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