Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Ulaanbaatar to Beijing!

Charlies a grumpy little man coz he wants to leave on time and im a grumpy girl too coz the cold i have aquired has gone straight to my chest...perfect cant breathe and have to carry this flippin backpack! All is well and we arrive in time for the train. In our carriage is Wai ( a chinese man who now works and lives in Amsterdam and has been on a train for 8 days from travelling from there to Beijing) hardcore! and a Belgian called Leo who has three degrees one from Beijing Film Academy. We joke that he must be more chinese than Wai who proceeds to tell us he gets abuse from his fellow country men who call him a banana because he is yellow on the outside and white on the inside.lol.On the train i attempt to catch up on some sleep as i have been up most nights hacking away with this cough but its just my luck our carriage is right next to one full of Australians and Kiwis who drink loudly....ggrrrr.

The Mongolian-Chinese border crossing is around three hours as we wait for them to change the wheels on the train while we are still on board...only Chinese people are allowed to exit the train and stretch their legs. It was a suprise how smooth it was i didnt even notice us going up in the air. When we arrive in Beijing me and Charlie grab a bite to eat with Wai, Leo, Johanna and Viktor and say goodbye....head back to the train station and get our ticket to DanDong. Finally a coffee. We board the train, our beds are at the bottom thank god as the sleeper is three beds high on both sides.Very comfortable nights sleep...hardly any coughing although i was occasionally woken up by the man opposite who is carrying a massive cricket in a jar that occasionally chirps up. Lets see if the Great Wall of China is all its cracked up to be.

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